Renovate, sell, enjoy!

You’re selling your home and want to maximize the selling price, but don’t know which renovations are most profitable? Don’t go any further because we have the answer for you.

According to the Canadian Institute of Appraisers, the following 5 types of renovation are sure values: the installation of high-performance windows, improving your heating system / thermal insulation, the bathroom and kitchen renovations, the Exterior and interior paint and rebuilding your roof. Indeed, for these 5 types of renovations, you can recover more than 60% of your investment. On the other hand, there are certains things you need to be cautious about.

First, you must ensure that the work is done well and that it suits today’s trend, otherwise the return on investment may be low or none. Secondly, don’t overdo it. If you invest too much, you might not get your money’s worth, based on the neighborhood homes value. Finally, always keep in mind that even if the renovations are there to give a new “kick” to your home, a regular maintenance is the best investment you can make on your home.

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Choose wisely … or you may regret it!

Nous avons tous déjà entendu des histoires de rénovation qui ressemble davantage à une histoire d’horreur qu’à l’amélioration d’un domicile. Pour éviter cela, Rénovation Bouda vous suggère des actions très simple, mais qui vous aideront dans votre choix de l’entrepreneur qui sera en charge de vos travaux.